rb # or maybe ./rb depending on your system
dataset = 11
T = readTrees("data/trees.nex")[dataset]
data = readContinuousCharacterData("data/traits.nex")[dataset]
tree <- T
L <- 1e-3
U <- 1
sigma2 ~ dnLoguniform(L, U)
alpha ~ dnExponential(10)
A <- -10
B <- 10
theta ~ dnUniform(A, B)
We’re using dnPhyloOrnsteinUhlenbeckREML
, the REML
refers to the used algorithm to compute the likelihood (“reduced likelihood”, as described in Felsenstein J. 1985. Phylogenies and the comparative method. The American Naturalist.:1–15. 10.1086/284325). Alternatives would be dnPhyloOrnsteinUhlenbeckMVN
(a phylogenetic covariance matrix approach) or dnPhyloOrnsteinUhlenbeckThreePoint
(the fast three-point algorithm of Ho LS, Ané C. Asymptotic theory with hierarchical autocorrelation: Ornstein–Uhlenbeck tree models. The Annals of Statistics. 2013 Apr;41(2):957-81.).
X ~ dnPhyloOrnsteinUhlenbeckREML(tree, alpha, theta, sigma2^0.5, rootStates=theta)
mymodel = model(theta)
moves = VectorMoves()
monitors = VectorMonitors()
moves.append( mvScale(sigma2, weight=1.0) )
moves.append( mvScale(alpha, weight=1.0) )
moves.append( mvSlide(theta, weight=1.0) )
monitors.append( mnModel(filename="output/simple_OU.log", printgen=10) )
monitors.append( mnScreen(printgen=1000, sigma2, alpha, theta) )
mymcmc = mcmc(mymodel, monitors, moves, nruns=2, combine="mixed")